Six Surprising Facts About Dental Whitening Treatment

Dental Whitening Treatment in Thibodaux LA Area

Nothing boosts self-confidence like a beautifully white smile. Many factors can affect how bright our smiles are, from the foods and beverages we consume to the aging process and even some medications. If you’re unhappy with the dullness of your smile, Dr. Jared Palmer and his team at Acadia Family Dentistry can help brighten your smile with professional teeth whitening.  How Professional Teeth Whitening Works There is a common misconception that teeth are like bones. However, dental enamel is actually porous. This means it can absorb stains easily. For example, some of the foods and beverages we enjoy, such as … Continue reading

Tips for a Stress-free Tooth Extraction

Getting a Tooth Extraction in Thibodaux LA Area

Like most dentists, Dr. Jared Palmer prefers saving natural teeth whenever possible to keep your smile intact. However, there are situations when getting a tooth extraction is necessary to protect or restore your oral health. At Acadia Family Dentistry in Thibodaux, Louisiana, we’ll do our part to make your tooth extraction procedure a smooth, pain-free, stress-free experience. Tips for Stress-free Dental Extraction Procedure Dental extractions are fairly standard procedures performed under anesthesia to avoid discomfort and pain. A tooth erupted through the gum line can be simply pulled with forceps. If the tooth hasn’t erupted, a surgical extraction is needed. … Continue reading

Success Stories

Read our success stories from our patients regarding Acadia Family Dentistry and Dr. Palmer.

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